Sunday, April 15, 2012

Inner Circle (Private 5) By Kate Brian

Title: Inner Circle
Author: Kate Brian
Pages 224
Level: Young Adult
Published: August 28, 2007

(Spoilers if you haven't read the previous)

Reed Brennan arrived at Easton Academy expecting to find an idyllic private school experience -- challenging classes, adorably preppy boys, and a chance to create a new life for herself. Instead, she discovered lies, deception, blackmail, and...murder. But, thankfully, the killers were caught and the nightmare is finally over. Now, with a new school year ahead of her, Reed steps back on Easton's ivy-covered campus ready to start over. So when the headmaster announces that billings is forbidden from holding their traditional, secretive initiation, Reed is relieved. She champions the new rules and the six new girls the administration has picked to live in Billings Hall: Constance, Missy, Lorna, Kiki, Astrid, and newcomer Sabine. But Reed's fellow Billings resident and new nemesis, Cheyenne Martin, believes the changes are a mockery of Billings history. Despite the new rules, Cheyenne vows to keep the old ways alive, no matter what -- or who -- stands in her way...


I liked this book, based on the reviews I've read of it, not a lot of people did. I guess I liked it because the usual Billings girls weren't in the picture.

Although I hated Cheyenne, she bugged the crap out of me. I didn't like that she was the antagonist because she was so damn annoying.

I liked that she brought new characters into the books though because it's going to make the series more interesting and it made the book more interesting.

Overall, the book was good the plotline wasn't slow and I was enticed to continue on reading. Though I liked that the Billings girls were not in the book, it didn't make sense to me considering the series was based around them. This book didn't really fit into the series well.

Cover: 1/5
Character Rating: 4/5
Style: 3/5
Development: 3/5
*** 1/2

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